End to End Integrated Housing Management Solution
Housing Matters
A technology platform to make housing accessible
What does Housing Matters Cover?
Housing Matters is a framework that provides all necessary functionality to support key housing management processes like:
Rentals, Homeownership Opportunities
Setting up Studios, 1, 2,3,4,5-Bedroom units using HUD specifications for income based on unit type.
Section 8, Public Housing Vacancies
Setting up leased and public housing units within the system, and managing waitlists for these opportunities using Housing Choice Voucher Program.
Pre, Post-Assignment Processes
Setting up housing opportunities, accepting and reviewing applications, assigning units and then managing post assignment activities like rent payments, renewals, move-outs, transfers etc.
Opportunity Setup by Housing Authorities and Developers
Submit Notice of Intent (NOI)
Real Estate Development companies can submit NOI with details on the proposed development. The NOI will capture details on the development team, property type, expected occupancy date, buildings and units within each building.
Set Up Developments
Development is the primary object or container for information on the housing project, buildings and units within each building. The agency user will be able to specify affordability requirements for each unit and specify if the unit is set aside to meet specific housing need e.g.: mobility, vision hearing, veteran etc.
Assemble Lotteries
The agency user can assemble housing lotteries by including the details from the applicable development, building, and units. The user will be able to set preferences for the lottery, e.g.: 10% for mobility applicants, 5% for residents in the area, etc.
Manage Lotteries
The agency user will be able to publish the lotteries to the portal so that applicants can view the details of the lottery and apply to them. Our solution makes the lottery details available in multiple languages. The user can respond to questions from the applicants and close or extend the lottery as needed.
Manage Paper Applications
Our solution supports the need to accept paper applications from interested members of the public. The developer staff can access the lottery, upload these documents, and associate them with the relevant applicant details.
Applicant Experience Portal
Set Up Account
Our solution allows applicants to access the portal and self register as a user. The user can also use their Google or Facebook account to login to the Portal. On accessing the portal, the user can complete the registration process by providing contact details and selecting preferred mode of communication.
Set Up Profile
This is a key part of our solution. The portal includes a profile questionnaire that captures key information on the applicant, such as current living address, number of members in the household, employment details of each household member and other relevant details required for the application to housing lotteries. The questionnaire is completely configurable. We have a database of questions to choose from, and users can add additional questions.
Access Opportunities
This portal allows applicants to view all housing opportunities, including rentals and homeownership opportunities. It will also include options for applying to Section 8 and public housing. The user can access options to search and filter opportunies. For each opportunity, our solution will display all relevant details, e.g.: building, amenities, unit details, photos, floorplans, affordability specifications, location on map, travel directions etc.
Apply & Check Status
The applicants apply for opportunities. The portal will include checks to ensure duplicate applications are not submitted in error. In addition, applicants can check the status of their applications using the portal. This will provide details regarding where the application currently stands within the overall process and steps that the application must go through before a unit is offered.
Submit Documents
With all applications, applicants are required to provide documentation to support the profile details. Using the portal, the applicant can upload and save profile-specific documents securely to a document repository. When needed, the applicant can reference the applicable document from the repository and associate it with the application.
Application Review by Housing Authorities & Developers
Integrated Eligibility Determination
Our solution includes a system process that is initiated at scheduled times to run and review applications that meet the eligibility criteria for units listed in the lottery. The criteria reviews HUD Income AMI guidelines, applicant household size and income, mobility, vision, hearing, and other preferences for unit allocation. Applications that meet the designated criteria will be flagged as eligibile for further review by the user.
Applicant Screening
Our solution allows developers and agency staff to further engage with eligible applicants, and to request and review submitted documents. Staff may also schedule date/time to meet with the applicants and the applicants' household members to certify information on the application and initiate a background screening process.
Application Review
For screened applications, our solution allows agency staff to complete final reviews and provide decisions. All decisions will result in system-generated notices to applicants. Our solution will merge the applicant's contact information with the applicable template and convert the final document into a PDF that can be printed and mailed.
Appeals Process
Applicants who receive rejections may choose to appeal these decisions and submit information to justify their appeals. Our solution supports the appeals process by staging the application with the applicable legal authority for further evaluation.
Unit Offer
For approved applications, our solution will present the agency staff and developers with a list of unoccupied units for assignment or allocation to applicants. Applicants will be able to schedule inspections or walkthroughs for the assigned units. Once an applicant accepts an offered unit, the lease/purchase signing process is initiated.
Resident Experience Portal
Detailed Unit Information
Our solution maintians all unit details in one central location. This includes tenant information, household details, rent payments, lease renewals, work orders, inspections, claims, and tenant actions associated with the unit.
Unit Inspections
Our solution allows unit inspections to be scheduled and conducted. Using our solution, scheduled inspectors will be able to complete unit inspections, record any violations, and assign responsibility to either tenant or landlord. Inspectors can also upload relevant images or videos recorded at the time of the inspections.
Rent Payments
Our solution enables residents to pay rent online once they've entered relevant bank accounts details. Our solution will initiate ACH transfers from the specified tenant account to the management company account. The tenant will be able to see all rent payments made throughout the term of the lease.
Tenant Actions
Our system is designed to support residents as their needs arise. Residents may initiate transfer requests, move-outs, work order requests, complaints, rent modification requests, etc., through this portal. Our solution also provides residents the ability to view any updates on the status of their requests on an ongoing basis.
Recertification is the process of updating the profile with any changes related to the household, such as household composition changes or changes in household income. The goal is to ensure the unit is the right size for the household. Using the portal, the resident can complete recertification. This will guide the user through the profile update process.
Tenants may be held responsible for any damages incurred during the lease period. Management companies assess any damages and initiate a claims process to recover compensation from the tenant. Our solution includes a claims process that allows the user to select the inspection that assessed the damage to the unit. Following this, the user will be able to submit the claim with additional supporting information.
Built for various purposes
Housing Matters is an integrated solution that supports the various perspectives involved in making housing accessible.
Housing Authorities & Government Agencies
Manage affordable housing opportunities and applications
Housing Developers & Landlords
Initiate NOIs, set up developments and units, process applications, assign units, oversee payments and unit actions
Applicants & Residents
Create and maintain profile details, upload documents, apply for housing, accept unit offers, and manage post-occupany unit actions
Additional Information
Cloud & On-Premise Options
Our solution is built for cloud hosting. That said, we understand that there are cases where the agency may want to host it within its data center. We can support both requests. The cloud solution enjoys the advantage of scaling up or down based on need. For on-premise implementations, we will provide a bill of materials with hardware and network specifications to support the application based on anticipated user volume.
Integrations with external sources
Housing Matters includes features that may require integration for features like Income Verification Services, Background Check Services, Payment Account Verification Services, Tax ID Verification Services, etc. Our solution includes endpoints that allow these services to be invoked using REST protocol.
Robust Architecture
Our solution is built using the latest standards for multi-tiered web application development. The framework for the solution is .NET Core and the front end is developed using Angular. The backend for data is SQL Server and we also use Azure Blob storage to store documents uploaded within the application.
Secure Platform
Our solution is hosted using Microsoft Azure Government cloud. This ensures that our solution is FedRAMP certified. This certification standardizes security assessment and authorization for cloud products and services used by U.S. Government agencies. In addition, we manage authentication using OAUTH2 protocols. All calls that transfer data back and forth between web and database servers are secured. Additionally, the data & documents at rest are secured using SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption technology.
Integrations with Legacy
We understand that a standalone solution provides limited value unless it is integrated with other information sources within the agency. Our solution includes multiple web service end points that act as a provider and consumer of data. Examples of this include the ability to integrate with an agency system of record for development projects so that development information is consumed and populated within our solution, and the ability to integrate with an agency document management system.
Flexible Pricing Options
Our pricing is competitive. All Cloud implementations will include a per user license fee. We offer volume-based discounts. On premise implementations will include a flat product cost.
There are 2 primary components included within Housing Matters
Housing Management
For Agency Staff, Developers, Partners
Manage Developments
Manage Housing Lotteries
Manage Application
Manage Units
Manage Tenant Requests
Web Portal
For Public Users
User Registration
Profile Management
Application & Status Check
Unit Actions
Agency Interactions
Built using experience in Housing Management
Why was this Housing Matters built?
We built Housing Matters based on real world consulting experience in this discipline. We realized that there is now a growing need to make affordable housing accessible. For this to happen, we needed to build a product that addresses all aspects of housing opportunity setup and management, and that connected the dots between the interests of housing authorities, real estate development companies, and the public.
What does Housing Matters do?

Housing Matters is a suite of software solutions seamlessly integrated to facilitate management of large-scale affordable housing projects at all points of user contact. Housing Matters is designed for use by housing agency staff, real estate development company personnel, management company employees, and members of the public seeking and residing in affordable housing. The functionality within Housing Matters can be accessed from all modern web browsers and devices.
Does Housing Matters address Public Housing and Leased Housing Needs
Yes. Using Housing Matters, you can setup instances of Public Housing and Leased Housing Developments and manage the application process for these developments.
Can members of the public access Housing Matters?
Yes. Our solution includes a Portal that provides the public with the ability to register, complete a profile, access recommended housing lotteries and apply to them. Once an applicant has submitted an application, they can check its status on an ongoing basis. Following unit assignment, residents can access unit related actions like paying rent, requesting transfer to another units, recertifying the household income and composition etc.
What are my implementation options for Housing Matters?
We recommend using the cloud based agency instance. We will implement an agency specific instance on Azure Government Cloud. However, we also offer on-premise instance of the product.
Can I use this in a sandbox environment?
Yes. Following a demo of the product capabilities, we can setup a sandbox environment for 30 days for you to explore the product capabilities at no cost.
What is your approach to implementation
We follow a hybrid methodology. Initial implementation involves requirements analysis and planning the development/configuration activities. Following this crucial first step, our approach reverts to an iterative method. We believe in a show & tell approach. Once the functionality is covered, we will complete data migrations, end to end testing and cutover activities.
How long does implementation take?

A typical implementation takes between 6 months to 1 year. The product comes with a lot of prebuilt functionality. However, there will be changes needed based on specific requirements. Most of our time is spent configuring the product to meet these requirements, integrating with internal and external information sources, and addressing data migration requirements.
Speak with us
We can demonstrate our potential value to your organization with a customized demo that shows how Housing Matters can address your specific needs.